Accountability for our Health Systems

NC Health Cost is a transparency initiative via the aggregation of hospital service charges for every major hospital in North Carolina. With these data we provide a closer look into the price tags of every inpatient, outpatient, and drug hospital services.

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Understanding the Data

We have profiled all of the data and provided summary statistics for raw through the presentation data. The raw data is outputted in unformatted, unstructured data per hospital. The curated layer is grouped by each hospital system system found and semi structured to represent the max negotiated rates by payer. The presentation layer contains the aggregated curated data for all systems.  

See Data Profiles


A dashboard has been created to provide a summary analysis of the final aggregated presentation data set for the questions we felt were most important to be answered. Example Questions we have answered so far are "Who is the most Expensive Health Insurer at each Hospital System?", "What is the minimum and maximum negotiated rates", "What are the differences between the gross charges for services at each hospital System?". We also have opened the dashboard up to allow others to use this tool as a self service to answer any questions they might have. 

Thanks for your Interest! 

Feel free to start a discussion on GitHub if you have questions about the code or data